As I wrote in my profile page, we were posted in Tehran, Iran, for 4 years before living in Washington D.C.. In Iran, foreigners did not have the right to open a bank account. In addition, because of economic sanctions imposed on this "rogue state", international money transfer was impossible. So every time we went back to Switzerland, we had to bring cash and change it into Rials in Tehran. When I was running errands in a bazar or a supermarket, I had thick wad of banknotes. The funny thing is when I had to pay a big amount of money, for instance kids' school tuition fee, it was like I was about to pay a ransom: cash in a big bag!
Here in the USA, you never have money with you, I mean cash. You always have this magic card called credit card. You use it everywhere: grocery shopping, online shopping, parking fee, and even just for a cup of coffee... Everything (almost) can be bought by this magic card! How convenient is life in the USA!
Yesterday, I got a call from my husband. He asked me if I had just tried to spend $1,000 at Macy's. No, I stayed home all day long. Apparently the bank had called and told him: "We identified an unusual transaction pattern on your credit card"...
Our hacked credit card was cancelled immediately. Great, our bank is able to block such a suspicious transaction to prevent an abuse.
However, I was perplex. Nope, I never go to Macy's. Nope, I never (or it is extremely rare) spend $1,000 a day. But how do they know that? Through my credit card use, they know precisely what I buy, how I live and where I spend money every day! That's how they know that spending $1,000 at Macy's is unusual... Oh, they know my life style. THEY KNOW ME!!
The most frustrating part is, if one day I would like to get something expensive, not a purse that my husband never knows the price, but let's say a surprise gift for him!, My bank will give him a call to tell him that there is an "abnormal pattern of credit card use".
Suddenly, my magic card seems less magic to me.
For the Japanese version, continue to read...
確かに、メーシーズは嫌いなので、ほとんど行かない。確かに、一日で1000ドルという金額を一気に使うことはほとんどない。よって、 確かに、銀行が言う通りメーシーズで1000ドル使うということは「普段とは違う動き」だ。ということは、だ。普段とは違う動きを察知するということは、私の普段の動きを全て把握しているからだよね。私以外の誰かが、私が普段どこでどんなものを買い、何を食べて何を飲み、どこの洋服を買っていると全て把握している。
一番腑に落ちないのは、これからもし高額商品(決して自分のバックとか靴とか男子がその値段を皆目予想もできそうにないものではなくてね。例えば、旦那へのサプライズプレゼントとか、ね(笑))を買うとしたら、クレジットカードをカードリーダーに通した瞬間、一目散に銀行から旦那に 私(のカード)が「普段とは違う動き」をしていると告げ口されることだ。
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