Saturday, May 30, 2015

Indoor activities lover, Maiko's outdoor activities pick for this summer

2 days out of 7, it's not enough to enjoy D.C. summer outdoor activities. It's very difficult to choose which event to attend, you will have plenty of them every weekend especially at this time of the year, outdoor sports events, music events, farmers' market etc. To study these interesting events, we can have a look at "Weekend going out guide" in the Washington Post annexe every Friday. You can of course check on the web site, The Washington Post "Weekend going out guide".

Here, I pick three upcoming outdoor events which I'm interested in.

 Silent Disco Party, on May 6 at Dupont Circle

Silent disco party on the Washington Post

The concept is so funny ; you download the playlist prior to the party. You gather at the hip, trendy place of D.C., Dupont Circle.You begin to play the playlist on your portable device then, you dance, all together but no loud music outside just in your ears! There will be no complain by neighbors because it is silent...If you just pass by without knowing what is going on, the scene may be very weird.

Ben Harper live outdoor concert , on July 30 at Wolf Trap

(Photo from Wolf Trap Ben Harper concert site)

Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts is a majestic natural setting for over 100 performances across all genres every summer. Home to the architecturally stunning Filene Center and the charmingly intimate Children’s Theatre-in-the-Woods, the 117-acre Park offers dining and hospitality amenities throughout the summer season, and year-round recreational opportunities, including hiking trails, picnic areas, and sledding.

Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts is the official partner to the National Park Service in providing concert and performance programming within the Park. As a non-profit organization, Wolf Trap Foundation is dedicated to creating excellent performing arts experiences for the enrichment, education, and enjoyment of diverse audiences. (from Wolf Trap internet site)

I am a HUGE fan of Ben Harper. When I was still young and sweet only 20(!), I was on a trip in  London and I discovered he would play at a live house. I went to get ticket in vain, it was already sold out. I couldn't give up so I wandered in front of the live house. One fat man approached me asking what was wrong with me. I explained that I came from Japan and I absoluetely wanted to see his stage. Miracle happened, he gave me a ticket! Thanks to this kind stranger, I could get in to the concert. One more surprise, this stranger was on the stage playing the guitar with Ben Harper! One of my sweet memories of my twenties.

 Color Vibe 5K Washington D.C. on Sep 5 at RFK Stadium

 (Photos from Color Vibe site)

Again, the concept is funky ; while you run 5K, you will pass through color zones where you will get plenty of paint. Then finally, you will dance with your colorful attire! Sounds cool, isn't it? For someone like me, who doesn't find interest in just running in the street, this kind of event can finally encourage me to run(or walk) outside.

Find your activities for this long hot summer!





7月30日、ベンハーパー野外ライブatWolf Trap

Wolf Trapとは、ワシントンDC、メリーランド州に近接するヴァージニア州にある、野外パフォーミングアート のイベントが行われる国立公園です。毎年夏になると、子供から大人まで幅広い年齢層の人々が楽しめる100余りのイベントが行われます。このWolf Trap、広さが117エーカー。我々にエーカー単位は馴染みがないので、ピンときませんが、調べてみたところ、約40万平方メートルで、東京ドーム約9個分の広さ!さすが、アメリカンなビッグさ!!この巨大な敷地に、野外コンサート場、ピクニックエリア、ハイキングエリアなどがあります。

私はベンハーパーの大ファンです。20代前半、旅行で訪れたロンドンで、たまたまベンのライブがあることを見つけ、当日券を見つけ早速ライブハウスに向かったのですが、チケットはソールドアウト。呆然とその場に立ちすくんでいると、一人の小太り男性が「どうしたんだい?」と話しかけてきました。日本から来てどうしてもライブが見たい旨を熱く語ると、その男性は「これで入るといいよ」私にチケットを渡してくれたのです。 彼の好意に感謝しつつ、ライブが始まると、これまたびっくり。なんとこの小太りの男性、ステージ上で演奏していました。バンドのメンバーだったのです。知らずにごめんよ。そしてありがとう。御恩は一生忘れません。この出来事は、20代の素敵なな思い出の一つです。

9月5日、カラーバイブラン、 at RFK Stadium 



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